Arab Republic of Egypt - Annual statistical of Employment, wages and working hours 2021
Reference ID | EGY-CAPMAS-wages2021 |
Year | 2021 |
Country | Arab Republic of Egypt |
Producer(s) | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics - Ministry of Planning |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Sep 04, 2024
Last modified
Sep 04, 2024
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Sampling Procedure
1- The bulletin includes all public sector establishments/public business, which numbered 306 (main centers) establishments in 2021, with a response rate of 70% of the total framework size.
2- As for private sector establishments, the size of establishments reached
- (100 workers or more) 1843 establishments, representing 50% of the total establishments, which numbered 3687 establishments.
- (25 - 99 workers) 1065 establishments, representing 10% of the total establishments, which numbered 10649 establishments.
- (10 - 24 workers) 1365 establishments, representing 5% of the total establishments, which numbered 27288 establishments.
- (less than 10 workers) 344 establishments, representing 0.12%. Of the total establishments, which numbered 283,473 establishments - Employees in the establishment according to gender, profession, job stability, educational status, total wages and working hours (representative sample)
Response Rate
1-The bulletin includes all public sector/public business establishments, which amounted to 2,403 establishments in 2018, with a response rate of 100% of the overall frame size.
2-For private sector establishments, the size of establishments reached (10 - 24 workers) 166 establishments representing 10% Of the total number of establishments, which numbered 1,670, the size of the total framework for the establishments (25 workers or more) reached 3,624, and the number of completed establishments was 3,220, representing various sectors and economic activities at the level of all governorates of the Republic, with a response rate of 88.8% of the overall frame size.