جمهورية مصر العربية - بحث القوى العاملة لعام 2009, النشرة السنوية المجمعة لبحث القوى العاملة لعام 2009
refno | EGY-CAPMAS-LFSS-2009 |
year | 2009 |
country | جمهورية مصر العربية |
producers | الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة و الإحصاء |
sponsors | الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة و الإحصاء - CAPMAS - |
collections | |
link_study_website |
May 21, 2013
Oct 22, 2014
ملف البيانات: all data 2009
تسجيلات | 342948 |
متغير | 269 |
اسم | العنوان | السؤال | |
Flunemp_bfr_wrk | Unemployed worked before females | Unemployed worked before females | |
Flunemp_nvr_wrk | Unemployed never work females | Unemployed never work females | |
FloLF | female out of LF | female out of LF | |
FloHP | female out of manpower | female out of manpower | |
totFlHH | total HH females | total HH females | |
totemp6_11 | total Employed at age 6-11 | total Employed at age 6-11 | |
totemp12_14 | total Employed at age 12-14 | total Employed at age 12-14 | |
totemp15_64 | total Employed at age 15-64 | total Employed at age 15-64 | |
totemp_65p | total Employed at age 65+ | total Employed at age 65+ | |
totunemp_bfr_wrk | total Unemployed worked before | total Unemployed worked before | |
totunemp_nvr_wrk | total Unemployed never work | total Unemployed never work | |
totoLF | total out of LF | total out of LF | |
totoHP | total out of manpower | total out of manpower | |
totoHH | total HH members | total HH members | |
respondant | Respondant | Who is the respondent? | |
crempst | employment status | What is your employment status? | |
crestabl | working in an establishment | Are you working in an establishment? | |
employees_no | Number of Employees | What is the number of employed persons in the establishment you work in? "Including you". | |
crecact | economic activity | What is the main activity of your establishment or your work outside establishments? (coding for official use) | |
crsector | working sector | Which sector do your work belong to? | |
croccup | current job | What is your current job? | |
crwrkdur | job duration in years,0 less than 1 yr | What is the duration of practicing this job in complete years? | |
prwrk | Yes/No Previous job | Did you have a previous job differ from the current one? | |
proccup | describe Previous occupation | Describe your previous work? | |
crwrkhrs | working Hours | How many hours did you actually work during the past week? | |
official_wrklt35 | reason wr< 35hr:Official work hr<35 hr | If the working hours is Less than 35 hour during the past week, Why work hours is less than 35 hour? (1) Official working hours is Less than 35 hours per week. | |
condition_wrk | reason wr< 35hr:Work Condition | If the working hours is Less than 35 hour during the past week, Why work hours is less than 35 hour? (2) Work Condition | |
unavailable_wrk | reason wr< 35hr:Unavailability of work | If the working hours is Less than 35 hour during the past week, Why work hours is less than 35 hour? (3) Unavailability of work | |
unwill_wrk | reason wr< 35hr:Unwilling to work | If the working hours is Less than 35 hour during the past week, Why work hours is less than 35 hour? (4) Unwilling to work | |
unsatisfy_wg | reason wr< 35hr:Unsatisfied wage | If the working hours is Less than 35 hour during the past week, Why work hours is less than 35 hour? (5) Unsatisfied wage. | |
absence_wrk | reason wr< 35hr:Absence from work | If the working hours is Less than 35 hour during the past week, Why work hours is less than 35 hour? (6) Absence from work. | |
crsocins | sociali nsurance coverage | Are you involved in social insurance? | |
crstabl | work Stability | Stability in your main work? | |
scoccup | Yes/NO second job | During the past week, did you do another activity beside your main work with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money? | |
scoccup_hr | second job hrs | How many hours did you actually work in your secondary work, your employer? | |
crcontr | contract in current work for wage and salarty workers | (For paid workers) Do you have any contract with the establishment? | |
wg_basic_prd | Basic wage period | (Regular employment) What is your average wage from your work? (a) Main payment payment Periods | |
wg_basic | Basic Wage amount | (Regular employment) What is your average wage from your work? (a) Main payment (LE) | |
wg_ot_prd | Overtime wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (b) Additional payment Periods | |
wg_ot | Overtime wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (b) Additional (LE) | |
wg_allow_prd | Allowances wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (c) Allowances payment Periods | |
wg_allow | Allowances wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (c) Allowances (LE) | |
wg_bonus_prd | Bonus wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (d) Bonus payment Periods | |
wg_bonus | Bonus wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (d) Bonus (LE) | |
wg_inct_prd | Incentive wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (e) Incentive payment Periods | |
wg_inct | Incentive wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (e) Incentive (LE) | |
wg_profit_prd | profit sharing wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (f) Distributed profit payment Periods | |
wg_profit | profitsharing wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (f) Distributed profit (LE) | |
wg_other_prd | Other wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (g) Other (Specify--------) payment Periods | |
wg_other | Other wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (g) Other (Specify--------) (LE) | |
wg_avdaily_irr | average daily wage_Irregular emp | What is your average daily cash income? (in local currency) | |
ecact_2d | 2-digit level Economic Act code | ||
unemp_typ | type of unemployment | What is your type of unemployment? | |
unemp_lst_occ | last occupation | What is the last job before unemployment? | |
unemp_lseco | last economic activity | What is the last economic activity before unemployed? | |
unemp_prd | unemployment period | What is your last unemployment period in months? | |
unemp_rsn | unemployment reasons | What is the main reason for unemployment? | |
ecact_str2 | str2 level Economic Act code | ||
type_dwelling | type dwelling | Type of Dwelling | |
house_own | house possession | The house possession | |
source_water | sorce water | Source of water | |
conn_water | connection water | Connection of dwelling with the Utility of water | |
conn_sanit | connection sanitation | Connection of dwelling with the Utility of sewerage | |
light | light source | Main source of light | |
no_room | number of rooms | Number of rooms (including hall) | |
rent | value of monthly rent | Monthly Rent (LE) | |
kitchen | Utilities: kitchen | Utilities: kitchen | |
separate_bath | Utilities: separate bath | Utilities: separate bath | |
bath_toilet | Utilities: joint toilet & bath | Utilities: joint toilet & bath | |
separate_toilet | Utilities: separate toilet | Utilities: separate toilet | |
butagaz | Energy Source: Butane Gas | Energy Source: Butane Gas | |
natural_gas | Energy Source: Natural Gas | Energy Source: Natural Gas | |
kerosene | Energy Source: Kerosene | Energy Source: Kerosene | |
electricity | Energy Source: electricity | Energy Source: electricity | |
other_fuel | Energy Source: other fuel | Energy Source: other fuel | |
colored_TV | Property of appliances:Colored TV | Property of appliances:Colored TV | |
BW_TV | Property of appliances:Black and white TV | Property of appliances:Black and white TV | |
video_set | Property of appliances:Video | Property of appliances:Video | |
sat_dish | Property of appliances:Dish /Dish Cable / satellite | Property of appliances:Dish /Dish Cable / satellite | |
fridge | Property of appliances:Refrigerator | Property of appliances:Refrigerator | |
deep_freeze | Property of appliances:Deep Freezer | Property of appliances:Deep Freezer | |
man_wash_mach | Property of appliances:Washing machine | Property of appliances:Washing machine | |
auto_wash_mach | Property of appliances:Automatic washing machine | Property of appliances:Automatic washing machine | |
dish_washer | Property of appliances:Electric dish machine | Property of appliances:Electric dish machine | |
cooker | Property of appliances:Gas bottles | Property of appliances:Gas bottles | |
heater | Property of appliances:Heater | Property of appliances:Heater | |
vacuum | Property of appliances:Vacuum | Property of appliances:Vacuum | |
air_condition | Property of appliances:Air condition | Property of appliances:Air condition | |
computer | Property of appliances:Personal Computer | Property of appliances:Personal Computer | |
iron | Property of appliances:Electric iron | Property of appliances:Electric iron | |
internet | Property of appliances:Internet connection | Property of appliances:Internet connection | |
fan | Property of appliances:Electric Fan | Property of appliances:Electric Fan | |
landline | Property of appliances:telephone | Property of appliances:telephone | |
mobile | Property of appliances: Cellular | Property of appliances: Cellular | |
no_appliances | Property of appliances:Non | Property of appliances:Non | |
private_car | private means of transportation: Private car | private means of transportation: Private car | |
motorcycles | private means of transportation:Motorcycle | private means of transportation:Motorcycle | |
bicycle | private means of transportation:Bicycle | private means of transportation:Bicycle | |
oth_transp_mth | private means of transportation:Others | private means of transportation:Others | |
no_trans | no private means of transportation: Non | private means of transportation: Non | |
Total variable(s):
269 |