Arab Republic of Egypt - Annual bulletin of Egyptians who obtained approval to immigrate abroad and Egyptians who get other nationalities year 2023
Reference ID | DDI-EGY-CAPMAS-MigBul-2023 |
Year | 2023 |
Country | Arab Republic of Egypt |
Producer(s) | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics - capmas |
Sponsor(s) | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics - CAPMAS - |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Oct 16, 2024
Last modified
Oct 16, 2024
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ID Number DDI-EGY-CAPMAS-MigBul-2023 |
Version Description
The state seeks to care for Egyptians abroad, so it works by all means to strengthen their ties with Egypt and take the necessary measures and decisions to achieve this care and determine the means that guarantee it, including holding and organizing conferences and seminars at home and abroad to discuss the problems of immigrants and find solutions to them and inform them of the affairs of their homeland and its national issues in various fields. The state also seeks to strengthen the heritage ties between immigrants and work to spread them among their new generations. The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics is interested in issuing the annual bulletin for Egyptians who have obtained approval to immigrate abroad and Egyptians who have obtained another nationality in 2023, which deals with the development of the numbers of legal immigrants who have acquired the status of immigrants abroad and their various characteristics, in addition to listing Egyptians who have acquired the nationality of another country. The agency presents this bulletin to researchers and those interested in immigration affairs, hoping that it will achieve the desired benefit from it.Units of Analysis
Immigration ApprovalsCoverage
Geographic Coverage
Arab Republic of EgyptProducers and Sponsors
Primary Investigator(s)
Name | Affiliation |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | capmas |
Other Producer(s)
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | CAPMAS |
Metadata Production
Metadata Produced By
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | CAPMAS |
Date of Metadata Production
2023-05-30DDI Document ID