Egypt, Arab Rep. - Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2004-2005
Reference ID | EGY_2005_HIECS_v01_M |
Year | 2004 - 2005 |
Country | Egypt, Arab Rep. |
Producer(s) | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) - Ministry of Planning, Faculty of Economic and Political Sciences |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Aug 27, 2015
Last modified
Aug 27, 2015
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Sampling Procedure
The sample of Family Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey (FIECS) of 2004/2005 is a multi-stage stratified cluster sample and self-weighted to the extent practical. Its designed size is 48000 households allocated among governorates and their urban/rural components in proportion to size. The sample was selected in three stages (the second stage is considered dummy). The first two stages are related to the Master Sample which has been drawn directly before the field work of FIECS started. The third sampling stage concerns with the selection of a sample of 40 households from each Master Sample Areas (1200 areas with approximately 700 households in each).
(Refer Section 2 of Survey Methodology document for detail sampling design information)
Although the sample has been designed to be a self-weighted, the size variability of the secondary stage units (area segments) around 700 households has resulted in an overall sampling rate, which is rather different from one area segment to another. Consequently, weights have been incorporated in extracting survey estimates. The overall weight is a composite of the design and response weights.
(Refer Section 2 of Survey Methodology document for detail sampling design information)