جمهورية مصر العربية - بحث القوى العاملة لعام 2009, النشرة السنوية المجمعة لبحث القوى العاملة لعام 2009
refno | EGY-CAPMAS-LFSS-2009 |
year | 2009 |
country | جمهورية مصر العربية |
producers | الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة و الإحصاء |
sponsors | الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة و الإحصاء - CAPMAS - |
collections | |
![]() |
May 21, 2013
Oct 22, 2014
ملف البيانات: all data 2009
تسجيلات | 342948 |
متغير | 269 |
اسم | العنوان | السؤال | |
indid | Unique 12-digit individual ID | ||
hhid | Unique 10-digit HH ID | ||
year | year 2009 | ||
round | round | ||
rakam_tattb3ya | visit number | ||
sector | sector | ||
urbrur | urban/rural | ||
psu_no | number of the Sampling Unit | ||
fam1_ser | No of family in psu | ||
fam2_ser | No of family in sample | ||
gov | gov | ||
qism | qism | ||
shiakha | shiakha | ||
fam_ser_sh | serial number of the family in shiakha | ||
fam_ser_gov | serial number of the family in governorates | ||
per_no | person number | Person's Serial no. | |
reltohd | Relation to HHH | What is your relationship to head of the H.H | |
sex | sex | Sex | |
birth_mth | Month of birth | Date of Birth (Month) | |
birth_yr | Year of birth | Date of Birth (year) | |
age | age | Age in complete years | |
edu_enrol | Education Enrollment | Education Enrollment (persons aged 6 years and above) | |
educ_class_comp | last class completed for dropouts | For currently enrolled or dropout What is the last competed level of school grade? Last class | |
educ_stage_comp | last stage completed for dropouts | For currently enrolled or dropout What is the last competed level of school grade? Last stage | |
educ_st | Education level | Educational status ( For persons aged 10 years and above) | |
educ_lastcertif | last Certificate and specialization | (For persons having certificate) What is your last Certificate and specialization (in details)? (coding for official use) | |
training | Training in past 4 weeks (not enrolled & >=6) | ||
mar_st | Marital status | What is your marital status (For persons 18and above) | |
birth_gov | Place of Birth_Governorate | Place of Birth Governorate | |
birth_urbrur | Place of Birth_urban/rural | Place of Birth Urban/Rural | |
birth_dist | Place of Birth District (qism) | Place of Birth Urban/Rural | |
birth_country | place of Birth_country | Place of Birth Country | |
res_change | Change of place of residence since birth | Have you ever change your place of residence (Included travel abroad more than 6 months) | |
prres_gov | previous place of residence_governorate | What is your previous place of residence that differ from your current one? Governorate | |
prres_urbrur | previous place of residence_urban/rural | What is your previous place of residence that differ from your current one? Urban/Rural | |
prres_dist | previous place of residence_district | What is your previous place of residence that differ from your current one? City/ District | |
prres_country | previous place of residence_country | What is your previous place of residence that differ from your current one? Country | |
res_change_yr | year of changing place of residence | In which year did you change your place of residence? | |
res_change_rsn | reasons of changing place of residence | What is the main reason of change your previous place of residence? | |
crwrkm | Did you work during last week at least 1 hr (market def.) | (For persons 6years & above) Did you engage in any work at least one hour during the past week? | |
crwrkm_supp | engage in any work | For persons did not work in the past week Do you have a job, business, or other economic or farming activity that you will definitely return to? | |
crwrkm_agr | activities to earn money_Agriculture | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (a) Agriculture production(harvest crops, water plants, cutting grass) | |
crwrkm_cattle | activities to earn money_cattle | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (b)Poultry, cattle and Lamps raising | |
crwrkm_dairy | activities to earn money_Dairy products | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (c) Dairy products | |
crwrkm_fuel | activities to earn money_fuel Collection | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (d) Collect fuel (wood and natural fertilizers) | |
crwrkm_vegi | activities to earn money_Vegetables | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (e) Vegetables or food preparation | |
crwrkm_sewing | activities to earn money_Sewing | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (f) Sewing and knitting | |
crwrkm_Handcraft | activities to earn money_Handicraft | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (g) Handicraft | |
crwrkm_houseK | activities to earn money_House keeping | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (h) House keeping | |
crwrkm_paidcraft | activities to earn money_Paid craft | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (i) Paid handicraft | |
crwrkm_selling | activities to earn money_Selling | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (j) Selling | |
crwrkm_maketing | activities to earn money_marketing | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (k) Marketing | |
crwrkm_constr | activities to earn money_constructing | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (l) constructing | |
crwrkm_learningcraft | activities to earn money_learning craft | During the past week, did you do any of the following activities, even for only one hour with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money or for family enterprises (M) Learning handicraft | |
everwork | ever worked before | Have you ever worked before? | |
enterLM_yr | start working_year | In which year did you start working for a continuous period (at least 6 months )? | |
exitLM_yr | go out from the labor market_year | In which year did you go out from the labor market ? | |
crwrks_agri | family consumption_Agriculture (subsistence) | Did you ever do any of following activities for family consumption during the past week? (a) Agriculture production(harvest crops, water plants, cutting grass) | |
crwrks_cattle | family consumption_cattle | Did you ever do any of following activities for family consumption during the past week? (b)Poultry,cattle and Lamps raising | |
crwrks_dairy | family consumption_Dairy products | Did you ever do any of following activities for family consumption during the past week? (c) Dairy products | |
crwrks_fuel | family consumption_fuel Collection | Did you ever do any of following activities for family consumption during the past week? (d) Collect fuel (wood and natural fertilizers) | |
dsr_to_wrk | want to work | Do you want to work? | |
ready_to_wrk | ready to work | Are you ready to start work within two weeks from now? | |
rsn_ntdsr_wrk | reason of unwillingness to work | What is the main reason why you didn't want to work during the past week? | |
srch | seek for work | Have you ever seek for work through a governmental employment office? | |
srch_gov | Attempts to find work_governmental office | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (a) Apply to the governmental employment office | |
srch_priv | Attempts to find work_private office | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (a) Apply to the private employment office | |
srch_comp | Attempts to find work_recruitment competition | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? c) Apply for recruitment competition | |
srch_direct | Attempts to find work_employer directly | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (d) Apply to employer directly | |
srch_wrkplace | Attempts to contact_work place | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (e) Contact with work place | |
srch_adv1 | Attempts to find work_Publish advertisement | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (f) Placed job advertisement in a newspaper | |
srch_adv2 | Attempts to find work_Submit at advertisement | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (g) Answered job advertisement in a newspaper | |
srch_friends | Attempts to find work_Ask friends | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (h) Ask friends on relatives | |
srch_employer | Attempts to find work_Contact with employer | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (i) Contact with employer | |
srch_contractor | Attempts to find work_Contact with contractor | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (J) Contact with work contractor | |
srch_wait | Attempts to find work_waiting in a gathering place | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (k) waiting in a gathering place | |
srch_bus | Attempts to find work_own business | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (l) Try to obtain equipment or land to establish your own business | |
srch_credit | Attempts to find work_financial resources | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (m) Apply for financial resources to establish your own Business | |
srch_other | Attempts to find work_other | What steps did you take to find work during the past 3 months? (n) Other: specify | |
rsn_ntsrch | Why not search | Why didn't you seek a job during the past week? | |
expan | Expansion factor | ||
fam_ser1 | |||
response | Response yes/no | Response yes/no | |
rsn_nonresp | Reason for non response | Reason for non response | |
HH_ser_psu | HH serial in psu | ||
forms_no | No of forms filled for family | ||
HH_ser_sample | HH Serial in Sample | ||
mlemp6_11 | Employed males at age 6-11 | Employed males at age 6-11 | |
mlemp12_14 | Employed males at age 12-14 | Employed males at age 12-14 | |
mlemp15_64 | Employed males at age 15-64 | Employed males at age 15-64 | |
mlemp_65p | Employed males at age 65+ | Employed males at age 65+ | |
mlunemp_bfr_wrk | Unemployed worked before males | Unemployed worked before males | |
mlunemp_nvr_wrk | Unemployed never work males | Unemployed never work males | |
mloLF | Males out of LF | Males out of LF | |
mloHP | Males out of manpower | Males out of manpower | |
totmlHH | total HH males | total HH males | |
Flemp6_11 | Employed females at age 6-11 | Employed females at age 6-11 | |
Flemp12_14 | Employed females at age 12-14 | Employed females at age 12-14 | |
Flemp15_64 | Employed females at age15-64 | Employed females at age15-64 | |
Flemp_65p | Employed females at age65+ | Employed females at age65+ | |
Total variable(s):
269 |