A.R.E - Annual Bulletin of Health Services 2014
Reference ID | DDI-EGY-CAPMAS-health_2014new |
Year | 2015 |
Country | A.R.E |
Producer(s) | CAPMAS - Ministry of Planning |
Sponsor(s) | CAPMAS - CAPMAS - Data collection and processing |
Collection(s) |
Created on
Sep 17, 2023
Last modified
Sep 17, 2023
Page views
- Cover table
- No. of beds and No.
of patients at the r
eception - Financial assets and
liabilities during
the year - Financial assets and
liabilities during
the year - Description of the e
stablishment during
the year - Components of the ho
spital during the ye
ar - No. of the establish
ment visitors during
the year - Service expenses dur
ing the year - Service expenses dur
ing the year - Electricity
- Electricity
- Stock values during
the year - Stock values during
the year - Consumed commodity r
equirements - Consumed commodity r
equirements - Fuels, oils and lubr
icants - Fuels, oils and lubr
icants - Projects under imple
mentation during the
year - Projects under imple
mentation during the
year - Movement of fixed as
sets during the year - Movement of fixed as
sets during the year - No. of doctors
- No. of doctors durin
g the year - No. of operations du
ring the year - Other expenses durin
g the year - Activity revenue dur
ing the year - Employment and wages
- Other expenses durin
g the year - Activity revenue dur
ing the year - Movement of outpatie
nt and inpatient cli
nics during the year
Other obligations
File: Financial assets and liabilities during the year
File: Financial assets and liabilities during the year
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 9 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-737142412 | Valid cases: 680 Invalid: 1 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 737142412 Mean: 1605043.4 Standard deviation: 28485447 |