Arab Republic of Egypt - Annual statistical bulletin of Employment, wages and working hours 2020
Reference ID | EGY-CAPMAS-tt |
Year | 2018 |
Country | Arab Republic of Egypt |
Producer(s) | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics - Ministry of Planning |
Collection(s) |
Created on
May 09, 2022
Last modified
May 09, 2022
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ID Number EGY-CAPMAS-tt |
Version Description
First: Statistical Targets1- Statistical bulletin aims to estimate the number of employees and average weekly cash wages in pounds by gender, economic activity of enterprises, geographic, distribution and the occupational classifications
2- Estimation of average number of weekly working hours per capita by gender, economic activity of enterprises, geographic, distribution and the occupational classifications.
Production Date
The Human Resource is considering one of the most important elements of production and a fundamental base to elevate the living standards and the development of human resources which countries rely on in the strategic planning to achieve sustainable development, for that the importance of providing detailed data on this vital element originated.CAPMAS is release the annual bulletin of Employment, Wages and Working hours that includes data on the employment size, average wages, and average number of weekly working hours in the public sector establishments / public business and private sector according to the Economic activity (excluding the agriculture activity which not operating inside establishments), the geographic distribution and occupational classification.
CAPMAS presents in this bulletin year 2020 for researchers and the persons interested in this field, hoping to achieve the desired benefit.
Major General\ Khairat Mohamed Barakat
President of Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
Kind of Data
Administrative Register RecordsUnits of Analysis
-Counting Unit :Establishments that work in one of these types of economic activity, including:
A- All Establishments of Public sector/ public business with the number of their workers.
B- Establishments of Private Sector which works in it (10 workers and more), that have main centers only. In case of branches, the number of employees in this establishment in addition to the main center 10 workers and more.
1-Statistical bulletin aims to estimate the number of employees and average weekly cash wages in pounds by gender, economic activity of enterprises, geographic, distribution and the occupational classifications2-Estimation of average number of weekly working hours per capita by gender, economic activity of enterprises, geographic, distribution and the occupational classifications.
Geographic Coverage
Bulletin Framework1- The bulletin includes all the establishments of Public Sector/ Public Business sector with number of 2631 establishments in year 2020 with ration of response 82% of total frame size.
2- As for Establishments of Private sector the size of establishments reached to:
- (100 workers and more) 1716 establishments represent with ration 100% of total establishments.
- (25-99 workers) 1215 establishments represent with ration 20% of total establishments that reached with number of 6077 establishment.
- (10-24 workers) 928 establishments represent with ration 0.05% of total establishments that reached with number of 18564 establishment.
- (Less than 10 workers) 1096 establishments represent with ration 0.26% of total establishments that reached with number of 274516 establishment.
- Workers in the establishments according to their sex, occupation, occupational stability, educational status, total wages and working hours (represented sample).
Fifth: Definitions and Terms
1- Counting Unit:
Establishments that work in one of these types of economic activity, including:
A- All Establishments of Public sector/ public business with the number of their workers.
B- Establishments of Private Sector.
2- Workers in the Establishment:
Workers who signed contracts with employer, by a commitment from the employer to pay their wages and the workers committed to work for him the establishment, and it does not include this definition the following:
A- Workers who take cash wages but when they got absent for no reason in all days of payment, they did not compensate for these days.
B- Workers who work without wages even if they take in kind benefits.
C- Workers who paid per day even if they took their whole payments or part of it.
D- Envoys and Seconded to other entity permanently
E- Industrial students following to occupational training institutions, as long as, they are under training phase and did not assign in the establishment permanently, even if the establishment pay cash wages and in-kind benefits for them.
F- Half time workers who work in the establishment and take bonus for their work like doctors, accountants, students …. etc., workers who work at the same time in more than establishment.
Producers and Sponsors
Primary Investigator(s)
Name | Affiliation |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | Ministry of Planning |
Metadata Production
Metadata Produced By
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | CAPMAS | Ministry of Planning | Collecting, Processing and disseminating data |
Date of Metadata Production
2019-04-21DDI Document Version
v1.0DDI Document ID