جمهورية مصر العربية - بحث القوى العاملة لعام 2011, النشرة السنوية المجمعة لبحث القوى العاملة لعام2011
refno | EGY-CAPMAS-LFSS-2011 |
year | 2011 |
country | جمهورية مصر العربية |
producers | الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة و الإحصاء |
sponsors | ا - - |
collections | |
link_study_website |
Jul 25, 2013
Dec 22, 2014
ملف البيانات: all data 2011
تسجيلات | 379734 |
متغير | 235 |
اسم | العنوان | السؤال | |
Flemp_65p | Employed females at age65+ | Employed females at age65+ | |
Flunemp_bfr_wrk | Unemployed worked before females | Unemployed worked before females | |
Flunemp_nvr_wrk | Unemployed never work females | Unemployed never work females | |
FloLF | female out of LF | female out of LF | |
FloHP | female out of manpower | female out of manpower | |
totFlHH | total HH females | total HH females | |
totemp6_14 | total Employed at age 6-14 | total Employed at age 6-14 | |
totemp15_64 | total Employed at age 15-64 | total Employed at age 15-64 | |
totemp_65p | total Employed at age 65+ | total Employed at age 65+ | |
totunemp_bfr_wrk | total Unemployed worked before | total Unemployed worked before | |
totunemp_nvr_wrk | total Unemployed never work | total Unemployed never work | |
totoLF | total out of LF | total out of LF | |
totoHP | total out of manpower | total out of manpower | |
totoHH | total HH members | total HH members | |
respondant | Respondant | Who is the respondent? | |
firstentry_yr | year of start working | year of start working | |
crempst | employment status | What is your employment status? | |
crestabl | working in an establishment | Are you working in an establishment? | |
employees_no | Number of Employees | What is the number of employed persons in the establishment you work in? "Including you". | |
crecact | economic activity | What is the main activity of your establishment or your work outside establishments? (coding for official use) | |
crsector | working sector | Which sector do your work belong to? | |
crestlegst | legal status of establishment | What is the legal entity of the establishment you work in? | |
croccup | current job | What is your current job? | |
crwrkdur | job duration in years,0 less than 1 yr | What is the duration of practicing this job in complete years? | |
prwrk | Yes/No Previous job | Did you have a previous job differ from the current one? | |
proccup | describe Previous occupation | Describe your previous work? | |
crwrkhrs | working Hours | How many hours did you actually work during the past week? | |
rsnlt35 | reason work hr<35 hr | Why work hours is less than 35 hour? | |
crstabl | work Stability | Stability in your main work? | |
crsocins | social insurance coverage | Are you involved in social insurance? | |
crhlthins | health insurance coverage | Are you involved in health insurance? | |
crunion_memb | trade union/syndicate member | Are you a member in syndicate? | |
wrkplace_typ | describe type of work place | Describe your work place? | |
wrkplace_gov | work place_governorate | Work location Governorate | |
wrkplace_urbrur | work place_urban/rural | Work location Urban / Rural | |
wrkplace_dist | work place_city/district | Work location City / District | |
scoccup | Yes/NO second job | During the past week, did you do another activity beside your main work with the object of marketing, exchange or selling to earn money? | |
scoccup_hr | second job hrs | How many hours did you actually work in your secondary work, your employer? | |
crcontr | contract in current work for wage and salarty workers | (For paid workers) Do you have any contract with the establishment? | |
wg_basic_prd | Basic wage period | (Regular employment) What is your average wage from your work? (a) Main payment payment Periods | |
wg_basic | Basic Wage amount | (Regular employment) What is your average wage from your work? (a) Main payment (LE) | |
wg_ot_prd | Overtime wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (b) Additional payment Periods | |
wg_ot | Overtime wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (b) Additional (LE) | |
wg_allow_prd | Allowances wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (c) Allowances payment Periods | |
wg_allow | Allowances wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (c) Allowances (LE) | |
wg_bonus_prd | Bonus wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (d) Bonus payment Periods | |
wg_bonus | Bonus wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (d) Bonus (LE) | |
wg_inct_prd | Incentive wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (e) Incentive payment Periods | |
wg_inct | Incentive wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (e) Incentive (LE) | |
wg_profit_prd | profit sharing wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (f) Distributed profit payment Periods | |
wg_profit | profitsharing wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (f) Distributed profit (LE) | |
wg_other_prd | Other wage period | What is your average wage from your work? (g) Other (Specify--------) payment Periods | |
wg_other | Other wage amount | What is your average wage from your work? (g) Other (Specify--------) (LE) | |
wg_avdaily_irr | average daily wage_Irregular emp | What is your average daily cash income? (in local currency) | |
wrk_vacation | benefits: weekly vacation | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? weekly vacation | |
wrk_medical | advantage_medical ins | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? medical | |
wrk_pdschool | benefits: school fees | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? school fees | |
wrk_hlpschool | benefits: schooling support | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? schooling support | |
wrk_pdsick | advantage_paid sick leave | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? advantage_paid sick leave | |
wrk_yr_leave | benefits: annual leave | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? annual leave | |
wrk_housing | benefits: housing | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? housing | |
wrk_meals | benefits: meals | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? meals | |
wrk_pdleave | benefits: additional paid leave | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? additional paid leave | |
wrk_clothes | advantage_clothes | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? advantage_clothes | |
wrk_trans | advantage_transportation | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? advantage_transportation | |
wrk_other | advantage_other | What other benefits do you usually receive in your main work? advantage_other | |
edu_st | education status | education status | |
ecact_2d | 2-digit level Economic Act code | ||
unemp_typ | type of unemployment | What is your type of unemployment? | |
unemp_lst_occ | last occupation | What is the last job before unemployment? | |
unemp_lseco | last economic activity | What is the last economic activity before unemployed? | |
unemp_prd | unemployment period | What is your last unemployment period in months? | |
unemp_rsn | unemployment reasons | What is the main reason for unemployment? | |
ecact_str2 | str2 level Economic Act code | ||
type_dwelling | type dwelling | Type of Dwelling | |
house_own | house possession | The house possession | |
source_water | sorce water | Source of water | |
conn_water | connection water | Connection of dwelling with the Utility of water | |
conn_sanit | connection sanitation | Connection of dwelling with the Utility of sewerage | |
light | light source | Main source of light | |
no_room | number of rooms | Number of rooms (including hall) | |
rent | value of monthly rent | Monthly Rent (LE) | |
kitchen | Utilities: kitchen | Utilities: kitchen | |
separate_bath | Utilities: separate bath | Utilities: separate bath | |
bath_toilet | Utilities: joint toilet & bath | Utilities: joint toilet & bath | |
separate_toilet | Utilities: separate toilet | Utilities: separate toilet | |
butagaz | Energy Source: Butane Gas | Energy Source: Butane Gas | |
natural_gas | Energy Source: Natural Gas | Energy Source: Natural Gas | |
kerosene | Energy Source: Kerosene | Energy Source: Kerosene | |
electricity | Energy Source: electricity | Energy Source: electricity | |
other_fuel | Energy Source: other fuel | Energy Source: other fuel | |
colored_TV | Property of appliances:Colored TV | Property of appliances:Colored TV | |
BW_TV | Property of appliances:Black and white TV | Property of appliances:Black and white TV | |
video_set | Property of appliances:Video | Property of appliances:Video | |
sat_dish | Property of appliances:Dish /Dish Cable / satellite | Property of appliances:Dish /Dish Cable / satellite | |
fridge | Property of appliances:Refrigerator | Property of appliances:Refrigerator | |
deep_freeze | Property of appliances:Deep Freezer | Property of appliances:Deep Freezer | |
man_wash_mach | Property of appliances:Washing machine | Property of appliances:Washing machine | |
auto_wash_mach | Property of appliances:Automatic washing machine | Property of appliances:Automatic washing machine | |
dish_washer | Property of appliances:Electric dish machine | Property of appliances:Electric dish machine | |
Total variable(s):
235 |